About QMMB

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Creation of Pakistan was no less than a miracle. In the beginning, it was taken lightly by the opponents of Pakistan. They thought it was a dream of a few people, which would vanish after some time. They were proved wrong. Quaid-i-Azam proved that a steel determination and struggle from a resolute nation could not be denied. Quaid-i-Azam was nominated as the first Governor General of Pakistan while Mr. Liaquat Ali Khan became its first Prime Minister. The fight for a Muslim homeland was a long and tiring one. He was very strong in his character but weak in physique. The movement for Pakistan seeped his energy and he was a very sick and frail man and needed constant medical care. The medical care and medication could not improve his declining health. It deteriorated and he was confined to bed in Ziarat, a hill station in Balochistan. He remained there for some time but no improvement in health was noticed. He desired to be taken back to Karachi where he was born. He was taken to Karachi on 11th September 1948 but breathed his last while traveling from Mauripur Air Base to his residence. This was a blow to the new country and its people. He was buried in Karachi on 12th September 1948 at a place, which was a high ground on the outskirts of Karachi.

Quaid-i-Azam breathed his last on September 11, 1948 (May his soul rest in peace). Pakistan had lost the founding father and was immersed in mourning for the great loss. The nation was like a ship, which had lost its captain and the sense of direction too. Nevertheless, there were people who despite of their gloom, maintained their composure and decided that the Great Leader should have a grand mausoleum. It should be a magnificent memorial to a person who had single-handedly created a homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent.
The Quaid-i-Azam Memorial Fund was created soon after the sad demise of the Quaid-i-Azam. It came into being through donations made by the public in response to an appeal by the then Governor General of Pakistan. As the name of the fund suggests, its objective was to perpetuate the memory of the Father of the Nation in a manner befitting his dignity and fame. Donations were received both by the Central and the Provincial Government as well as the state committees of the Quaid-i-Azam Memorial fund throughout Pakistan. In the beginning the fund was administered through a committee under the chairmanship of the then Governor General and later on by the President of Pakistan. It was in August 1968 that the committee appointed a Board to deal with its day to day affairs of the organization.
On April 3, 1972 the President of Pakistan reconstituted the Quaid-i-Azam Memorial Fund (QMF) as Quaid-i-Azam Mazar Management Board (QMMB) under clause 5(1) of the Quaid-i-Azam Mazar Protection & Maintenance Ordinance 1971 later on validated by the Parliament vide Act (63 of 1975) under Chairmanship of Federal Minister of Town Planning & Agrovilles. From the day onwards the organization is named as Quaid-i-Azam Mazar Management Board or Q.M.M.B.
On December, 28 1999, the Government of Pakistan reconstituted the Quaid-i-Azam Mazar Management Board under the chairmanship of Federal Minister for Environment Local Government and Rural Development in exercise of powers conferred vide section 5 (1) of Quaid-i-Azam Mazar's Protection & Maintenance Ordinance 1971. QMMB remained attached with Ministry of Environment untill its abolishment on June 30, 2011 under the 18th constitutional amendment. For the interim period from July 1, 2011 till October 25, 2011, QMMB was attached with Ministry of Inter Provincial Coordination, Cabinet Division, Government of Pakistan. The Quaid-i-Azam Mazar Management Board has now been attached with "National Heritage & Culture Division, Islamabad."

QMMB is an authority constituted under Section 5(i) of the Quaid-i-Azam Mazar's Protection & Maintenance Ordinance 1971, validated by the validation of law act (63 of 1975). An independent board runs the affairs of the organization. The board is appointed by the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Composition of the current QMM Board includes:

S. No  
Federal Minister / Minister of State/ Advisor to PM for National Heritage & Culture Division.
2   Auditor General of Pakistan/ Honorary Treasurer QMMB.   Member
3   Secretary, National Heritage & Culture Division.   Member
4   Corps Commander 5 Corps.   Member
5   Chief Secretary, Government of Sindh   Member
6   Senator Irfan-ul-Haq Siddiqui.   Member
7   Senator Rubina Khalid.   Member
8   Resident Engineer, QMMB   Secretary
9   Joint Secretary Expenditure, National Heritage & Culture Division.   Member
10   Joint Secretary, National Heritage & Culture Division.   Member
11   Administrator / Mayor, Karachi.   Member
12   Dr. Sarosh Hashmat Lodi,                Member
13   Mr. Fahim Iqbal Siddiqui,   Member
14   Mr. Inamullah Shaikh   Member
15   Mr. Ali Akbar Gujjar   Member
16   Mr. Salman Khan   Member
17   Barrister Yasir Ahmed Shah   Member

Resident Engineer is the functional head and Secretary of the QMM Board. The sanctioned strength of QMMB is 148 varying from specialized categories of engineers, horticulturist, Curator to general administration such as Administration, Accounts and other support staff. The organogram of the organization is as follows:

Existing Organogram of QMMB Board